Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Oskar Rocks Lake Life

This is easily one of my favorite pictures of him.
I have been neglecting my bloggerly duties!

We have achieved the impossible and the newest addition to our little family is a baby GIRL! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? (For those of you who don't know, there are currently 4 little boys and no girls between our families). As predicted, she was exceptionally difficult during her ultrasound and I need to go back in a couple weeks to get a lot of images that the doctors care about. It was quite clear that it was a girl, which is what I wanted to know. She was literally in a ball the entire time and would not move out of it. While trying to look at her face I said, "Is that her foot?" the answer was yes. Her foot was in her eye. That night, of course, she was having a frickin' party. She remains incredibly active, which is nice, but can be a bit annoying.

We are already struggling with coming up with a name for this girl. It may end up being that the name we choose is simply because neither of us hate it. We have four months though. That might be enough time.

I am feeling much better overall, but I get very tired quite easily. I tried to golf a couple times while up at the cabin last week and even with a cart, the first time I couldn't finish golfing and the second time, I was able to finish all 18 holes with the cart but felt much more tired than I usually would from walking 18. Tomorrow I'm sending the hubbs down to the abyss to find my pregnancy clothes. I can still fit in most my clothes, but there's no reason to be uncomfortable. I still look more portly than pregnant, which is a tough spot to be in. It does change throughout the day though, especially if I've been standing a lot. Then I can look very pregnant come evening.

Can't remember why the tears are happening, but this guy is a master
at manipulating others with his emotions. Watch out.
Dan went to the youth gathering in Detroit a couple weeks ago and let me tell you, it was ROUGH. Like a genius, I decided this was a great time to paint the living room. The room got painted, but this was not a great choice. So much exhaustion.

After his "episode," Oskar asked for toast. Then he asked for more. And again.

After the long week, I was going to try to take Oskar to an event at church that Friday to get out with some different people. However, something in him decided that vomiting was the best response to eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or as he called it "Big spit!" The evening went drastically downhill from there. At an EPIC rate. I seriously think that I blocked out the rest of the night from my memory except for what some might call an overreaction to the killing of an earwig. On Saturday we were saved from each other by some friends who came to visit and acted as a WONDERFUL buffer. It was super convenient that they had the same names as 2 of his aunts. Then on Sunday an actual aunt came to visit for a couple hours and just added to the fun. Thank you to you three. You know who you are and your presence was essential to my sanity.

Ice cream gymnast.
At least the run home from ice cream
wore him out!

I thought Oskar would be so happy to see Dan when he got back, but he held a bit of a grudge for a while, which was inconvenient at best, because I needed some time alone. Or at least away from him. I know this sounds terrible, but I doubt I'm alone in understanding this. He has since come around on Dan and the only time he really prefers me is for cuddling in the morning. For like a half hour. This is great because morning is my absolute favorite time of day. Oh wait, it isn't. At least it's nice to have a cuddle buddy. He really is very sweet (when he wants to be).

Fading while watching Phantom
3 minutes later after I moved him to the couch.

Oskar has developed a liking (understatement) of Phantom of the Opera. It has intrigued him for a while and he used to sit and listen calmly to it and if we were lucky it would lull him to sleep. Now, he dances and sings along. It's pretty impressive when he runs around the house singing and we catch little phrases that are quite similar to phrases in the show. But I guess the odds are in favor of this considering today he was singing for about 40 minutes straight. Now, I'm not claiming the video below is phenomenal, but it's pretty darn cute. I could have cut it shorter, but I like his spin moves at the end.

Today, in exasperation I accidentally swore in front of Oskar. He laughed hysterically and then said, "Bless you!" Oh my, it was so sweet.

Because why wouldn't this be in Nisswa?
Not even driving a boat with grandpa while holding
a sponge can get in the way of nap time.
I am doing my best to provide Oskar with a fun summer despite my limited abilities as a human person, especially at the beginning of the summer. This mostly involves spending time with grandparents at the cabin. He loves going up there, even with the 5+ hour drive and each day he gets so worn out that bed time tends to be real easy. He absolutely loves fishing and it is really easy to catch fish off the dock. Someone will pull in a fish and he will say, "Put it right here" and pat a spot on the dock. Then he will laugh as the fish flips around for its life. He knows that the fish is supposed to be in the water though and likes to push the fish back in the water with his finger. Or his foot. Whichever is more convenient.

Even Oskar found this hilarious. Dan caught that fish- it's not bait.
We saw a 2 foot long some kind of fish while pulling into the bay. Saw it a couple times actually.
Despite their best efforts, retrieval of the beast was unsuccessful.

Thanks for reading!