Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Everyone is Sick

It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. I know this because when I vacuum, it smells like I'm an elf camped out in a spruce tree of my very own.

Oskar was a pirate for Halloween. Hooray for friends who have costumes to lend!

Many things have happened since my last post. Some good, some bad, some ugly.

Oskar vomited his way out of his car seat and into his booster. This happened in the beginning of October. I had planned on waiting til winter jacket weather to move him into his booster because he technically still fits in his car seat, but this occurrence seemed like a good time to make a (not so) clean break. Let it be noted that this was not Dan's favorite lunch break. His car seat has since been cleaned and will soon hold an Elena. Elena still fits in her infant car seat, believe it or not. They recommend now that kids stay rear facing until 2 years old. This was not at all an option for Oskar- he was way too big. Ellie fits nice and snug though and seems very happy to face backwards and look at her brother.

When this happened, I don't think Oskar had any kind of stomach bug. I think the vomit was the result of taking some cough syrup, eating a bunch of applesauce and then going to ninja class. This mistake will not be repeated.

A couple weeks ago when we all got the stomach flu, we happened to be in the car when Oskar got sick. Because I am awesome, I had a giant plastic bag with me. Crisis averted.

It's not the best cake, but it was the first double layer cake I'v ever made and it was worth every bit of the $4 I spent on it.
Honestly, it might be the first cake I've ever made. Period.
Elena is now one year old. Can you believe it? She is kind of growing- particularly in head size and length. Her weight is steady at the 25th percentile, while length shot up to 50th and head size is at 75th. She doesn't look as funny as these numbers indicate that she might. She is so sweet and cuddly and generally just a delight to be with. If you're me anyway. If you're my babysitter you may have an entirely different opinion of her demeanor. Oskar and Ellie usually play together well and make each other laugh. It is wonderful to listen to this.

I know I put this on Facebook, but believe it or not, there are some people who read this that don't use Facebook.
We have a silly nativity scene that is all rubber duckies. I gotta be honest; out of all the waterfowl present at the birth of Christ, Elena prefers chomping on Mary the most.

I mentioned above that our car broke down a while back. That was quite an experience. And an expensive one as well. I'm thankful that it was nice out, the roads weren't busy and I had no kids with me. I'm upset that I did not get my Taco Bell that night, but what can you do. Unfortunately for us we also needed new tires at the time and on Monday we took it in to get new brake pads. This has added up to be more money than I like to spend on a car. Hopefully now we'll be good to go for a while.

Speaking of expenses, our whole family went to the doctor on Sunday. That is going to be SUPER fun to pay for, and yes we have insurance but it only covers about $15 of *extra* appointments. The upside is that after sorting out a prescription misdirection we are all on antibiotics and should be healed in no time. This will be nice after weeks of coughing and a bout of stomach flu. Wanna know what I don't miss from childhood? The stomach flu. It is the worst. And now I've been coughing so hard that I've actually pulled what's gotta be most of the muscles around my ribs. That was when I knew it was time to go in and that it was worth the $400+ we will be paying in about a month.

This is what happens when one refuses to sleep.

You may think I'm exaggerating when I say I've pulled my rib muscles- even I thought I was probably being over-dramatic. I assure you, I am not. Yoga this morning proved to me how injured I am. Do you know how often you use your rib muscles? The answer is almost all the time. Ouch. A friend of mine just gave me some industrial strength cough drops so hopefully they will help give my ribs a break and begin to heal. What makes it even better is that she dropped them off in an offering envelope.

Wake up brother snuggles.
"What is your name?"
"You know my name, Oskar. What is it?"
"Close. It's Dorisa."
"Yes, but that is a very hard word to say."

Oskar turns four on Wednesday and continues to astound and amaze. He says some of the funniest things and he's started making this face when he is in trouble that is just impossible not to laugh at. That being said, he is in trouble a lot and it is annoying. It's possible he's a bit spoiled, so we'll need to work on that, but overall he seems to be an okay kid.

We recently donated a ton of baby stuff. It felt so good. And there is a ton yet to go. It is so nice to clear out some of the clutter. So refreshing.

We have the rare opportunity to travel to the Twin Cities around Christmas this year. I'm VERY much looking forward to seeing many friends that I don't often get to see. I'm hoping that we will be through all our sickness so we can make it to everything we want to.

Dude finally understand the joy of leaf jumping. It took a while though.
Thanks for reading! Have a very happy Christmas!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Oskar High Fives Elena

I'm just going to start by saying that tonight Oskar high fived Elena in the face. He was in the tub at the time so it left a bubble hand print on her face. It was very hard to convey my anger while suppressing my laughter while looking at Elena's stunned bubble face.

Siblings! Sure, he's got, like 10 lbs on her, but you can't deny they look pretty similar.
Sometimes when I'm doing home improvement projects I feel like a monkey in a lab. I know what I want to do and how to do it but I don't always have the right tools for maximum efficiency so improvisation is key. For example, someone (in my mind, it's Sir David Attenborough) who is watching might say:

"Hmmm. She has thirty 50 lb bags of paver base to move. She moved the first three one at a time and now she is standing there and it looks like she might be thinking. I wonder what she's thinking. Interesting. She's moving the car. Oh, and now she's moving the bikes. Looks like she is going for the trailer. She is! She got the trailer! She rolled it to the pile of paver base and now she is loading the paver base bags on to the trailer. Oh my! Looks like she forgot about physics. That second bag teetered and tottered the trailer the other way. She puts about 8 bags on the trailer and then pushes it through the garage- reducing the distance she needs to carry each bag by 60-90% depending on the final destination of the bag. It isn't a perfect solution but with the tools she was provided I would say she's done splendidly. Well done, monkey, well done."
It's possible I let my mind wander too far when doing physical labor.

It's odd that all the projects I do create havens for that which I despise most.
"Hey! Lets put landscaping rock around the house!"
-Turns out very large spiders are very large fans of the environment this provides.
"Let's excavate for a patio!"
-Spiders like wompus, giant dirt piles too. Who knew?
"Okay, this patio is taking forever, but it's not like the materials are going to go bad."
-Well, that's true. How did you like killing those spiders you found every time you picked up another bag? What about the earwigs? Did you like the earwigs? Haven't seen those in a while!
"Let's just put a pile of brush and twigs in the back of the yard- we'll burn it off eventually."
-Aragog or Shelob- pick your fantastical giant spider and she could live here considering the amount of webbing we have in that pile. We also used to find the hawks lurking around there. It may or may not be a refuge for small rodents. Or maybe they enjoy a giant spider as a snack. We'll never know for sure.

Speaking of the hawks, I think they are gone! It's been a while since I've seen them, or a small bird carcass. And other birds have returned to the yard. It is quite pleasant to hear bird calls that are not screeches or the sounds of birds being attacked to death.

She is getting extremely hard to photograph. She is so fast.
I believe that violence usually does not solve problems. The version of me who finally gets her kids down for a nap after a long morning of single parenting and no sleep the night before just as a dog of unknown origin starts yipping outside highly disagrees with rational me. Luckily we don't let that version of me make many decisions and that dog owner remains unpunched in the face.

This happened:
"Oskar, what happened?"
"I broke the side of my head."

We successfully made it through the madness of two days with two kids at 2 outdoor fairs/festivals. It was absolutely exhausting, but the weather was phenomenal and we had a lot of fun. RennFest was full of interesting people as always, but my favorite person I saw was Doctor Who (11, for those of you who are interested). He really sold the act by never walking or interacting with anyone. He just wandered around looking and observing things. It was great.

I told Oskar to keep his sucker away from Elena because she obviously can't have candy.
He rolls around in front of her and sings, "Deeeeelicious!"
Elena and I discovered that she can easily fit a ping pong ball in her mouth without causing distress. She has a really big mouth. Then I poke each of her cheeks and it pops right out. She finds this quite amusing. For those of you who are not aware, she is walking and has been doing so for about a month a half. So yea, we're busy. Today especially we are struggling with Oskar not knowing what he can and can't do to Elena. For example, hugs are okay. Laying on top of her, not so much.

So sweet.
My major victories of late have been finishing my patio and Costco's new milk jugs. Man, they were bad. I wrote a comment card and then they were fixed. I know many people probably complained and the switch was probably in the works long before my comment, but I'm calling it a victory. I can now hold a baby and pour a glass of milk without spilling. That's all I was looking for.

Everyone is welcome to come over to enjoy a homemade margarita on the patio. And by homemade, I mean factory assembled by Costco. Feel free to critique the patio as you see fit. Understand then, of course, that in doing so you are volunteering to fix it and you will receive no margaritas. That is all.

Tadaa! Coming soon: furniture and depending on sales, maybe a new grill!
Obviously there is still some finishing work to be done, but I think we should all be
impressed that I pretty much made this all by myself. Yay me!
I signed Oskar up for a Ninja Zone class and it's probably the best parenting decision I've ever made. He is in Lil Ninja (3-4 year olds) and we go on a weekday morning so there is just him and one other little guy there with an instructor. It is so much fun to watch him learn how to do stuff (and watch his instructor laugh at him because let's face it, Oskar is a hoot). The video below isn't showing up in great quality, but hopefully you get the idea. Oskar is the one going across the trampoline. This was a couple weeks ago now and it is amazing how far he's come even since this video.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Oskar and Elena Provide Amusement and Exhaustion

I had a fly in my mouth the other day. It was not my favorite.

This is the best family picture we could get at Dan's sister's wedding. Goodness it was tricky.
My kids. Man, oh man. They are equal parts brilliant and exasperating. We have crazy oozing out of our crappy windows.

Oskar loves play-doh. And I love play-doh primarily because it can keep Oskar busy for a long time. He usually makes birthday cakes. The other day he requested that I help him make a necklace. I told him it wasn't necessarily a great idea, but I helped him anyway.

"Oskar, play-doh doesn't make a good necklace."
"Yes it do. It's called play-doh necklace."
Who can argue with that? We got the necklace on and he says, "Oh thank you! Now I need a star and a genie bottle." No idea where he gets this stuff.

Cake is in the oven.
During the same play-doh session he was trying to ask me to help him with something and I was not able to understand what he meant:
"Oskar, I'm sorry I can't understand what you're saying."
"That's okay."
"Thanks, because I feel bad about it."
"Sometimes disasters happen."
Sometimes disasters happen. He really has a way with words, don't you think?

I know lots of people do feet pictures when they are on vacation.
I do not. This is probably the only feet picture I will ever take.
Generally Oskar does very well with the amount of attention Ellie gets. The other day he may have reached his breaking point:
"Yes, Oskar, I will help you. (Ellie bonks her head on the table.) Oh Ellie, are you okay sweetie?"
Oskar: "Ellie. Is. Fine."

We were making a list of things we needed to get for preschool (because Oskar wanted to make a list) and this is what it looked like:
Solving problems and going after her goals.
Another gem of a conversation, where my three year old schools me with the proper use of 'can' and 'may:'
"Oskar, you can NOT go over there."
"Ya-huh. I CAN. My legs are PERFECT."
Stifling laughter. "YOU MAY NOT GO OVER THERE."

That took less than 30 seconds. First try.
I put the box there because the track tips when she tries to climb it.
No, she can not be stopped from trying to climb it. The box placement backfired a bit.
And then there is Ellie. Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. Let me begin by saying that she will be 9 months old on August 11. Most of you saw that we ended up sending her to daycare a month earlier than planned. She is practically walking (she has taken a couple steps by herself) and worse than that, she is climbing EVERYTHING. And she does it very quickly. She is extremely clever and has absolutely no fear. This is a bad combination. Because of her, let's call it rambunctious spirit, I wasn't able to get any work done during the day so then I would be up all night working and exhausted the following day. That schedule was working for no one. She is in her second week now and we are all happy. Yay.

Ellie rocks this romper.
Oskar knows how to party.
Oskar has been really excited about finding feathers in our backyard this summer. I haven't the heart to tell him that there is a full on avian war taking place over our yard. You may think I'm jumping to conclusions. I assure you I am not. One or two feathers can be expected, but between hawk tail feathers and tiny downy feathers I'm positive there have been HUNDREDS of feathers in our back yard. And then there are the small animal skeletons on our driveway. I'll leave it at that. I went out to work on my patio today (yep, still working) and I found my hawk friends in the back yard. Just chilling. I'm pretty sure they are the reason my bird feeder has not been well attended this summer.

They sat really still for a long while, like half an hour.
Then they got up and hopped around each other for a bit.
It's possible they were playing a game.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Oskar and Elena Make Life Busy

I know I said a post was coming soon. That was a couple weeks ago. Strangely enough, I decided to work instead of write. Hard to believe, I know. This also might be full of errors, but I can't get anything done with these hooligans hanging about.

I just realized I haven't posted since before my birthday. That was a while ago. I'm not a big birthday person, but we enjoyed Surly's entrance into South Dakota and some delicious Mexican food, so the day was a win. I'm also happy to report that I turned 30 with no mid-life/third-life/quarter-life (depends on your confidence, I suppose) crisis and the world kept turning.

Dan got me flowers for my birthday and Oskar was quick to spot them. Oskar loves flowers and assumed he was responsible for their appearance in our house.
Oskar: "Oh! You got me flowers! They are beautiful! Thank you so much!"
Dan: "Oskar, those are flowers for mommy."
Oskar: "Mommy, I got these for you. You're welcome."

I decided a few weeks ago to build a patio because I would like to use our yard more and we don't really have the money to hire the job done. In theory, this is a great idea. In reality, I have 2 kids, a job and weekends that insist on being over 90 degrees. People have asked me if I know how to build a patio. No, not really. But the pavers came with an installation instruction video online and I enjoy learning as I go. We are almost done with the excavation and I have already learned something really important that I can apply if and when we ever need to build another patio: HIRE PEOPLE TO BUILD THE EFFING PATIO.

You know you are having a bad day when you are seriously wondering if you should take anger management classes. I recently had such a day. I look at Ellie and I think, you really are wonderful, but seriously, two kids? What was I thinking? She had slept for only 60 minutes on this particular day. Forty five of those minutes were spent with Oskar yelling at me because he can't read.

Oskar is in an extremely trying phase of his life. I alternate between thinking he is the most amazing thing in the world and wanting to throw him across the room. He has many of his books memorized and insists on "reading" them. This is fine, except he will get to a page he doesn't know or a less familiar book and he realizes he can't read and starts yelling and crying. The tantrum builds, because it's bedtime and he is over tired and eventually he is just screaming. It is delightful. I'm slowly learning some tricks to deal with this situation, but I don't look forward to story time right now and that makes me sad.

Baby ducks!
I recently told Oskar that we had to go on a walk to get Elena to sleep. She finally passed out and Oskar said, " Mommy! You're right! It worked!" I would really appreciate if he didn't always sound so surprised when I accomplish something. Often we will drive somewhere and when we are getting out of the car, he will say, "You did it!" or "We made it!" Thanks, buddy.

Elena continues to grow and develop. She is still freakishly loud, strong and is walking along furniture and transferring weight from subject to subject. She is also really good at carefully lowering her weight down instead of just falling to the ground. She is also a super climber and problem solver. She is eight months old today and is a mostly happy baby. She enjoys a variety of food and STILL REFUSES TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT. I'm so tired. One nice thing about Ellie is how absolutely enamored with me she is. Dan is all fine and good, but holy moly does she react gleefully when she sees me. Then when I hold her, she climbs me in a fit of joy.

Oskar is Dan's child. Elena is clearly mine.
Some of you may have seen her poofy eye on Facebook or in real life. I'm happy to report that after being diagnosed with some sort of eyelid infection, she is on the mend and it no longer looks like she was abused. I'm always hesitant to give my kids antibiotics when we don't know for sure what the problem is, and in this case the doctor pretty much said that the eyelid infection was his best guess, but the medicine is working its little antibiotic magic and she is looking great.

We spent the Fourth of July at my parents' cabin. What a beautiful weekend. Perfect days and cool nights. Dan and I have come to the conclusion that we will never live further south than we do right now. There is simply no relief from the heat. When we worked at camp there would be a hot week, but then you would get a cool week to recover. It was great. All I want is to leave my windows open for a few days to get some fresh air in the house. Apparently this is not a possibility. I got an alert on my phone that the heat index was going to be 105. This is too hot.

At least someone is enjoying our beach and the six inches of rain we've gotten today...

While at the cabin I tried to get some good pictures of the kids because my mom had gotten them some really cute outfits. I can photograph them separately fairly well, so I greatly overestimated my ability to capture both my crazies at the same time. I walked back into the cabin, sweating from our little photo shoot, and my mom asked me if I got any good shots. I answered, "I got an accurate depiction of our life." The few decent ones I got are scattered among this post.

Loon friend!
Oskar wanted to share his thoughts with you all"
"I'm gonna tell the world about a volcano. It shoots lava HIGH in the sky! Once upon a time there was lava. Once upon a time there was a Mauna Loa Volcano. It's a loud volcano."

Monday, April 18, 2016

Princess Dibble

The fanciest stroller in the whole land (it was a gift). Needless to say, they both approve. And so do their parents.
Oh where to begin.

It seems that we have a creative three year old. If you remember your Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? There is a part that goes: He can go like the rain dibble dibble dibble dopp. Dibble dibble dibble dibble dopp dopp dopp. This is just one of many books that he has memorized. It is very cute to hear him recite his books, but I digress.

I think the first mention of a Princess Dibble was in reference to one of Elena's toys. He's always enjoyed princesses because of Phantom of the Opera. And who can blame him? They dress a lot fancier than we do on a day to day basis. So yea, the bunny taggie became Princess Dibble. You can kind of see her in the picture below, on the trampoline. Then things took a turn for the humorous.

They get along so well. I hope it lasts.
Oskar is loud. Powerfully loud. The other day he screeched and I sternly (yes, sternly) said "Oskar, please don't screech like that!" and the response was, "It was Princess Dibble!" Dan thought it was an imaginary friend, but luckily he was playing with a Barbie at the time so I thought we were in the clear. I asked if Princess Dibble was real or imaginary and he said she was imaginary. I asked if he knew she was pretend and he said yes. Let it be noted that the next time I had to tell him to be quiet it was a rocket. He has a lot going on in his brain.

Obligatory Easter picture.

During my toddler bath time siesta the other night I heard: "Dibble! That's not safe! (pause) Dibble! (pause) Wake up!" Good Lord, I thought, she's dead. My toddler just killed off his imaginary friend.

Dan asked him about it the next day and it turns out that Princess Dibble went down the drain and back to her castle. She was going to stop by later on to play. Kid's got plans.

"I'm wearing leg warmers!"
In other news, I am done nursing and Ellie is happily gaining weight on a healthy diet of formula. I am so glad to be done with nursing. Before you go and tell me how lucky I am to have nursed a child and how lovely it is and what wonderful bonding it is I will have to kindly remind you the nursing is not automatically a good experience for every woman. Besides exhaustion, pain and crabbiness it also caused me to dread my daughter waking up. Dread is not the feeling I want to associate with my baby. She's too precious for that. As a parent of a baby, you already dread your child NOT waking up. This was just too much. My patience with Oskar was even worse than usual and while he is generally exasperating. this wasn't very fair to him. So now feeding Ellie, which used to take about 6 hours out of my day now takes about an hour and everyone is better for it. It is absolutely glorious.

Despite all odds, the blue eyes are still present!
Not only that but we went back to the doctor and I'm happy to announce that she climbed her way back on the chart and is currently rocking out at the 14th percentile. They were very happy and extremely surprised. I've been lucky that all my medical staff have always been of the "nurse if you can, but if you can't, that's okay too" camp. Especially since nursing was clearly not providing her enough nutrients, even when supplemented with formula. Suffering AND failing is not a great place to be. When I was hating nursing Oskar, at least he was fat and happy at the 105th percentile.

She's a toe chomper.
Weaning went well for Ellie. I recommend introducing a bottle to your baby early and often (once a day) whether it has formula or breast milk in it. This is what I did for both my kids and weaning was not a problem at all. Ellie needed a little extra cuddling one night, and that's it. They were both used to formula by the time they switched to formula only, so I think that helped too.

Whenever we take Elena's monthly pictures, Oskar has to get in there too.
This is fun. Clearly in this one they are both looking at Dan.
Oskar is back on Phantom of the Opera after a considerable break from watching the film. The other day I told him we had to turn it off to go brush his teeth and go to bed. He ran to the bathroom and stood on his stool by the sink angrily sobbing while shouting Angel of Music at me. That's right, he picked the most gentle song from the whole musical and made it sound like a metal song being sung by a heart broken teenager. Good work, son. I asked him if he thought he could play the Phantom's part some day and he said, "Ya-huh, but I don't want to scare people." So if he never plays the role of Phantom, know that it's not that he can't, he's just doesn't want to scare people.;)

He finally gets that the end of Phantom is sad.
Oskar got a bike! It is a tiny bit big, but the one that fit a bit better was $199, so that wasn't happening. He is doing well with it, but will definitely have the training wheels on for a while.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elena Falls off the Chart

I love Oskar's eyes. So much. This photo doesn't quite capture it, but they are stunning.
You do things when you're a parent that you thought you would never do. For instance, I said my kid would never eat McDonald's. At least not as a young child- eventually of course it would probably come up. The crafty little bugger stole two of my nugs when I was indulging a pregnancy craving. So, really, I haven't bought him McDonald's but he has consumed.

Ellie-3.75 months
Let's do a size comparison. The above picture is Ellie at 3.75 months. Below is Oskar at 2.5 months. How did I make both these babies? You'll notice that Ellie is a bit more tightly wound than the lounging Oskar as well. THAT trait is no mystery.

Oskar-2.5 months
I've always been a bit picky regarding cleanliness. I'm fine if things get a bit messy, but downright dirtiness bothers me. As such, potty training has been difficult. Oskar is house broken now but little dudes are little dudes and too often I find myself thinking, "Well, at least pee is sterile." This makes me sad. In my mind I see King Theoden: "How did it come to this..."

Elena got baptized! It was fun to have all of our family here. Nothing makes your house feel smaller than when you try to shove 20 people in it- five of whom are 6 and under and take up an astonishingly large amount of room. We were lucky to have a wonderful pastor baptize her and were super glad that Dan could just be a dad. Ellie was a star and slept through the service and woke up happy for the pictures at the end. We also got a beautiful Faith box from the Men in Mission at the church which is possibly nicer than most things we own.

I know most people saw this on Facebook, but oh my goodness I just love it so much.
Totally ready for the cabin this summer.
Do you know what is difficult? So many things, I know, but I'm going to talk about children in photographs. Oskar is generally quite photogenic. I guess for Ellie's baptism he just had a bit too many bits of crazy in him. Looking through the photos it's like he's trying to be all of the Three Wise Monkeys at once. Add to that a kid who hates being in pictures and another who confuses a smile with a grimace and let's just go ahead and be thankful that everyone could be there. Forget trying to get Elena smiling. That was not even worth an effort worth making. Another thing that makes it hard to take a nice photo? Waking up at 4:30 AM. I don't know if you know me, but "Morning Person" is never a title that I've earned.

Dan's siblings are Elena's Godparents.
We had Ellie's 4 month appointment yesterday. She seems to be moving up the chart in length and head size- I think her length was at about the 15th percentile! She, however, has fallen off the weight chart. This isn't great, but they aren't too concerned yet. We will go in for a measure in a month and worry about it then. The girl eats ALL THE TIME, so I find this particularly frustrating. No, I'm beyond frustrated.

In all other respects Ellie is doing great. Very strong and alert and full of personality. She has a beautiful chuckle/giggle and tells me very loud and lengthy stories in the middle of the night, which honestly, I could do without. At least she is generally happy at those times. I can't believe how loud she is. She is so tiny! Where does it come from? Girl is going to be a great singer because of this. If you sing to her she will sing along. It is so sweet. Understand that when I say 'sing along' I mean she makes noises that are lengthy. I'm not claiming a prodigy here- just cuteness.

At about three months, Oskar was giving me a good, solid 6 hours of sleep every night. That was delightful. Ellie is no such champion. If I'm lucky she might have a five or six hour stretch, but it will start at about 8:30 PM so I can hardly take advantage of it because of, you know, life. I guess I take advantage a bit, because this is when I can actually get my work done, but I would love some sleep as well. Maybe someday. 

You may have noticed that Ellie definitely has red hair. It is super cute. I have a friend in town that has really vibrant red hair, actually, her whole family does, and Ellie definitely looks more like her kid than mine right now. It probably doesn't help that I get to church and hand Ellie over to her as soon as I can, but still, it's pretty funny.

Oskar loves flowers. I got these at Costco, brought them home and he goes, "My flowers! Thank you SO much!"
I am living proof that if you do not get an appropriate amount of sleep you will be sick forever. And 'living' is putting it generously because I'm not doing great. All I want is to be able to breathe through both sides of my nose at the same time. Is that too much to ask? According to the last two weeks, yes, yes it is. Oskar, Ellie and I all got colds, mine is lingering the most. Better me than them, I guess.

Dan is leading mind blowing discourse on the merits of cake.
I apologize for being so lazy with the blog, but it is simply not a priority. Somehow feeding and caring for children and working take priority over writing a blog. Crazy, I know. We have been doing much better round these parts with making and eating real meals. Heck, I made tortillas the other day. And a 3 year old ATE them. I may not be a domestic idiot after all. 

Doing what he does best.

The above video is Oskar singing "Oh yes oh yes it's springtime!" to the tune of Vivaldi's 'Spring' brought to our ears originally by the Little Einsteins. He started singing it when he went outside and it was nice the other day and pretty much sang it all day. He is holding a tiny coffee pot that he found somewhere that we now use for birdseed. I thought it would be fun to get him a Little Einsteins rocket and all the kid figurines for his Easter basket, but apparently the series is old and all I can find are toys at collectible prices. I will not be spending $200 on a TOY for a CHILD. Thank you very much. That is absolutely insane. By the way, misspelling Einstein makes one feel really stupid.

This video is of Ellie laughing- don't mind my fake laughs and giant head.