Saturday, September 23, 2017

We have not fallen off the earth

She slept through lunch after going to the zoo and
me holding her while we were moving her car
seat after lunch didn't please her, so this happened.
I have recently been informed on multiple occasions that I have not posted in a while. I apologize for my absence. As always I have been busy. Here comes a scattered update riddled with errors and way too many pictures because I doubt I'll have the time or energy to edit this like I normally like to do.

First day of school.

It has been a crazy, mostly good summer. I don't even know where to begin really. Oh wait, yes I do. We had a bad storm here a few days ago and when I woke, Dan asked if I heard the storm. I said I didn't. Want to know why I didn't hear it? BECAUSE WE GOT NEW WINDOWS!!! That's right- three years of windows that leak but don't open, rattle when the stupid truck with the subs goes by, shake obscenely when there is thunder and block absolutely no sound whatsoever. They. Are. Gone. FOREVER. We can get a massive breeze throughout the place now and it is absolutely glorious. They are also REALLY white. Every time I come home it's like my house is looking bug-eyed at me or like it's surprised. It is probably surprised. Like, "Holy crap my windows open! I'm so happy! I'm freeeeeeeeee!"

Because there is nothing else to do at Mt Rushmore except for dance.

We are also getting some lawn treatments done so hopefully next summer the grass to weeds ratio is more in our favor. Downside is that the lawn is going to look worse before it looks better. And boy oh boy does it suck. Luckily the worst of it is in back so we can mostly keep it a secret.

So, the sun is a spotlight and he couldn't stop dancing.. That is what is happening here.

My babies went to Mt. Rushmore! Oskar was way over tired when we got in the car and kept on saying that he didn't want to see the mountain with faces. He had a short nap in the car and when he saw it, he spoke a genuine, "Wow!" Elena was less amused. The 20 minute nap did not work well for her and she remained pretty crabby throughout the trip.

My babies also went to camp! Oskar was not a big fan at first and that made me laugh a bit. Could you just imagine if Dan's kid hated camp? That would be some seriously comical irony. So funny that I almost wish that sentiment remained, but alas Dan sent me a text saying Oskar said he wants to live at camp. Apparently he also picked out a new dad. I wasn't able to stay the whole time, but luckily we had some surrogate grandmas from church who were also at the camp and who were able to help Dan out.

Brother-sister first day of school.

Boating Booga.

Oskar started Pre-K this year and from what I can tell he is having a blast and doing pretty well. He came home from the first day and said it was the best day of his life. I was happy to hear this, but I was also a bit sad because in the preceding two weeks we had gone to the state fair, renaissance festival, mn zoo and the sea life aquarium. Yes, it was exhausting, but it was so much fun to watch them eat such.


Our upstairs bathroom has been remodeled. This was not an expected update. The little pull thing that turns the water from the spout to shower head broke, so obviously we had to remodel the bathroom. I know it seems extreme, but it really did make sense. It of course took a thousand times longer than we thought which wouldn't have been that big of a deal except we have just the one shower in our house right now. We had a couple weeks where we had kids bathing at friends' houses, in sinks or just wash cloths. Dan and I had more difficult time. One good thing to the whole having to shower at the gym was that it actually made us go to the gym, so although the whole thing was annoying I guess exercising is beneficial so that can be viewed as an upside. Oh my goodness it was so annoying. And tiling a shower? Never again!
