Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantinis anyone?

Raise your hand if you've spent your entire time in isolation just hoping and praying that I would post something on here. No one? Well, regardless, it has arrived, and you're welcome. Go get yourself a drink and settle in for happy hour. This is the very best we can do.

I'm gonna be honest with you; nothing in life has properly prepared me to deal with what we are going though right now. And I suppose most people would agree with me on this because let's face it, life is weird right now. It's hard enough to have both Dan and I working full time from home while being responsible for educating two children and keeping them busy throughout the day without just running movies and video games all day long. BUT like perfect fools, we have decided to pick this time in history to sell a friggin house! This means that we have four people (two adults and two tornadoes of activity), essentially trapped in a house 24 hours/day except when someone comes by for a viewing and we somehow have to keep it spotless during it all! In my defense, this has been the plan for a year or two now, but seriously, do we know how to time a move or what? When we have a viewing, we escape to Dan's office, because what the heck other option do we have? I'm all about silver linings though, so at least it's not flooding this year. Yay! AND can we all just take a minute to be thankful this is happening during Reese's egg season? I mean come on! Bring on the Quarantine 15!

To catch y'all up, Dan has officially submitted his resignation and we are on our way back to the Twin Cities. I will continue to work for the same company in our office on the west side of the cities and he has been on the waiting list for placement up there for over a year, so hopefully he gets some bites soon. The kids are doing well so far with the transition. They are very excited to be closer to all their cousins and a set of grandparents, but Dan and I have started to worry that Oskar won't get the opportunity to say good-bye to his friends here with the schools being closed. The school year here typically ends in the middle of May and the current plan is to go back on the fourth (hooray for star wars day!) but who knows if that will actually happen. His teacher is using a video sharing website though, which has been a lot of fun for him and has allowed him to see his friends during this time. It's just short videos, but it's something and we appreciate the effort.

Chinese food and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Oskar had a program scheduled for April 7th where he had a small solo, so I'm sad that he won't get to do that and that we won't get to see it, but I assume he will have more solos in the future. We (Dan and I) had planned to go to Hawaii on April 13. That's obviously not happening, which is fine. It's all fine. We understand and we are adaptable, but if you know us- you know we don't go on a lot of trips. We finally schedule something and the world starts on fire. Again with the impeccable timing. Good grief.

The first two weeks of working from home were embarrassingly awful, but here in week three we are starting to figure it out, even with the sudden interruptions caused by showing our house. I stole my chair from work and brought it home and it has made a sizable impact on my productivity, so at least we're heading in the right direction. Also on the work front: I recently received notification that a hospital project I've been working on that was 95% complete is now changing to an airborne infection isolation ward because of all this COVID-19 crap. Do I know how to design an AII ward? Heck no! Does that matter? Heck no! Though I suppose lack of knowledge has never stopped me before... should be interesting.

She looks so prim and proper when she's not yelling at me.
Elena continues to frustrate us to no end. Four year old extroverts have a hard time understanding why we can't go anywhere. Fortunately, she is also clever and amusing and provides some levity these days:
-We were watching Brave the other day and Elena looked upset. I asked her if she was crying and she responded. "I'm not crying. I'm just worried and it's coming out my eyes."
-She tried on a dress the other day that had a halter strap. "Ahh! I love it when my arms don't have wrappers!!!" Don't we all?
-"I can't wait until I'm older and I can watch scary movies where people get died with ropes." (We don't let her watch the hangings in Phantom of the Opera, though even with this knowledge, that is a bleak statement.)

"I'm not tired!"
Thanks for reading! Happy isolation everyone!