Monday, November 17, 2014

Dorisa Is a Liar

Never disrupt an artist.
We did not carve pumpkins of favorite characters and we have not made a pumpkin pie from scratch. I know this is a huge disappointment. Sorry for our infinite failure. Time has been in short supply.

I did, however, get Oskar's room painted and I am ordering a bed for him TODAY. This must happen. I was a little nervous at first when I put the paint on the walls because honestly it looked like putrid vomit. I powered through though and I absolutely love how it turned out. It is so much brighter in there. I also was able to touch up the floor quite a bit and it looks really good. I used a furniture polish that said to not use it on floors but to be honest, the floor looked thirsty and needed some love. I do not regret my decision at all. Sure it is a bit slippery, but Oskar doesn't fall down in there any more than in any other room, so I think it's fine. We got his windows covered with plastic and that is dramatically helping with the condensation problem and keeping the room much warmer. I was happy to learn that it is a pretty easy process too. The tiny shelf on the bottom of the windows made it a little more difficult and it probably will leak a bit, but hopefully it works okay for a while.

After. I will post more pics once his bed arrives. Also, this picture was taken with my phone at night,
so the coloring isn't great. I promise it looks good.
Work has been pretty busy, which is good. It was slow the week I painted Oskar's room, which was nice because I was able to get it done without too many late nights. I enjoy being busy because I like the work and it means more money, but I have another bedroom to paint and that is not happening very quickly.

This was the best Halloween picture we could get. It's a struggle to get him to wear pants,
we didn't want to deal with a costume.

Between nearing 2, getting 2 year molars, learning at the speed of light and alternating between feasting and fasting, Oskar's behavior as of late can at best be described as unpredictable. His favorite activities currently include building towers of Legos (see pictures), conducting whenever he hears music (audibly or in his head) and counting (2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10- he does not like 1 or 7). He also enjoys helping (and hurting) in the kitchen, reading books (if we only read 10 books we consider it a light day) and does not enjoy wearing pants.

We tried to get Oskar excited about leaf piles and jumping into them, but we weren't very successful. He eventually enjoyed running through them and throwing them in the air, but that's all we got. We tried to get him outside to play in the snow on Saturday but he wasn't interested. This is strange because last year we had a hard time keeping him inside.

This dude seriously holds a pen better than most adults I know.
Oskar is standing on a stool, by an end table, conducting while Dan plays the piano.
We (Heartland Handbells) had a concert a week ago and it went pretty well. I of course made mistakes I had never made in my life, but I don't think they were too noticeable. People said they liked us though and we were able to make a little money for our group. In other handbell news, I am going to a town called French Lick, Indiana in May. Can you believe that there is such a place? That is a ridiculous name.

Oskar "helps" at bell rehearsal. Because how is an arrhythmically malleted  F throughout an entire song NOT helpful?
That's not true, he had a rhythm going. It was all his own and he didn't care.
And a beautiful picture to end the post.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can use a little Oskar every Monday.....every day actually.
    Enjoyed reading your post and the photos!
