Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dan Freaks Out While Ordering Food

We have a Chinese Restaurant in town and apparently it's pretty good (I'm still off Chinese food from the Oskar vomit incident and simply from pregnancy making it not sound good). Dan orders delivery from this restaurant sometimes and knows that they have a $15 delivery minimum. He usually gets the shrimp and garlic sauce dish thing and wonton soup. Well, one day last week he was ordering and it was really hot out and Oskar and I were out of town. Dan had already dialed when he realized that it was to hot for soup. If it were me, I would say and an order of eggrolls or something- he just had to be close to $15. What does Dan order? The Pu Pu Platter for Two. FOR TWO. Did I mention that our microwave broke so re-heating things isn't quite so easy? Goodness. Dan is no longer allowed to make decisions under pressure.

Dan also doesn't quite understand furnishing a living room. I was telling him that I'm going to put up another coat of paint because although we like the color that we inherited, there are parts of the room that are a bit patchy and the cream from the past shows through. There is also some pet hair in the wall that I need to sand out. I made a comment that once this is done we can kind of start settling in and make it look like we've lived here for a year instead of a month. He pointed out that there are toys everywhere and that the commitment required there clearly shows that we've been here for a while. I was just saying that it might be nice to get some of our pictures on the wall maybe get some art up there or something. And I would LOVE to have some new furniture to sit on. To this, Dan responds, "You have a couch, a trampoline and a time-out chair! What more could you want?" We do have a couch- it is breaking and pretty worn out. We have a wooden time-out chair, which is apparently a very valuable chair, but that doesn't mean that it is comfortable for me to sit in. We have a trampoline, which has a 100 lb weight limit. Summary: We have a breaking couch that if we have more than 2 adults in here things get pretty cozy pretty quick. One other thing that bothers me is that we have absolutely stunning end tables, coffee table and entertainment table. I feel like I'm not providing them an appropriate venue to exist. I just want some couches. Maybe a cushy chair.

Anyone need a thousand tiny maple trees?

One week. That is the amount of time it takes me to go from not looking pregnant to looking downright portly. I'm starting to feel a lot better though and I can function as a human adult almost most the time. Baby is kicking away and sometimes when I take a deep breath it feels like something is about to break forth from my stomach. I don't remember this from last time. Pending fetal cooperation we will know the sex of the baby next week. I'm not holding my breath on the cooperation bit- at my previous appointment it took us 5 minutes to find the thing's heartbeat.

We had quite a storm go through here last week. It was VERY windy and it caused quite a few trees to come down around town. We noticed a couple days later that we had a hanging broken branch from one of our giant trees in the back yard. This needed to be dealt with, but as new-ish homeowners we find that again we were lacking the tools and since it was not hurting anything we were just going to let it hang there. Happily nature took care of it and the branch magically fell down while we were in the Twin Cities this past weekend. We were pretty fortunate- a town just about 10 miles NE of us got destroyed. There were a couple days where the weren't letting outsiders enter the town. I only heard of 1 injury though and no fatalities, so we can be happy about that. Our church was a temporary red cross shelter and there were about 30 people who could not occupy their homes. It could have been worse, but it could have been a lot better too. It is simply astonishing that the damage can be so much worse not very far away.

I have been up to the twin cities over the past 3 weekends for various wedding activities. It is not fun driving to the cities right now. Two weekends ago on 35 I went 2 miles in 45 minutes. I was super annoyed because 75% of the cars I saw were from Iowa probably going up to the lakes for the weekend. Hey Iowa, you have your own lake. Go there. This past weekend we traveled on Thursday and came back on Monday so it went much better.

Oskar got some much needed cousin time over the past couple weeks. Whenever he is with his older cousins he is simply insane. He doesn't have much chance playing with boys near his age because daycare is mostly girls. He has a blast with those two. He also got to see his younger cousin. He was so cute with him and seemed to actually listen to his aunt while she watched him for a few hours while we were at a wedding. He even held his hand for a while. So cute. When the little one becomes a little more sturdy I'm sure craziness will ensue when these two get together too.

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