Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oskar Conducts Like a Pro

I wouldn't let myself write this blog post until after I finished writing all the thank you notes from my shower on October 10th. Well, it took two weeks to complete over 50 thank you cards, but I have returned to you with stories, pictures and videos. Happy Sunday everyone!

Team Nelson has been crazy productive this weekend. We painted the kitchen, got the storm windows up, painted some more dining room chairs, went to the Harvest Festival at one of our churches and today we will be working on the kitchen backsplash. Now, if anyone knows of a small army that wants to come tackle our basement, send them over.

Part of him knows that he never had a crib.
There are pros and cons to all jobs. As a spouse, I think you experience these in an amplified manner. For instance, a con would be when Dan brings my car home from a confirmation retreat with a flat tire and the back seat full of garbage (full=3 pieces. I really don't like garbage in my car). I have found that one of the pros to working for the church is that we get to meet the kindest and most generous people of every community in which we live. I seriously can not believe the amount of gifts we received from the congregation members here. It is insane.

This happened. And yes, it was as magical as it looks. Whistled by yours truly.
I laughed because of a face he made- I'm not sure if you can see it on the video or not.
If the video doesn't work- try a different browser. For me it works in Firefox, but not Chrome.
Usually I don't have this problem.

Potty Training. Well, with potty training I am finding that I constantly have to remind myself that it is called potty TRAINING for a reason. Apparently part (most all) of me wants it to be called "Magic Monday- Your child uses a toilet all by himself now and there are never any problems ever." Sometimes he does great. Other times he's constipated and distracted and despite us asking him over and over again if he needs to use the potty he goes to "the office" (nursery) pops a squat and has a bit of an accident. Pretty sure he was marking his territory. Yet another day where I found myself asking my son, "Oskar, why did you take your pants off?" At least there was a real reason this time. Pretty sure the last time I asked he said that a dinosaur was chasing him.

How long does it take to be from somewhere else? We have lived here for well over a year, but when I am asked where I'm from, I always say something like, "I'm currently living in Brandon/South Dakota" based on where I am and who is asking. I don't hold any shame in living here, but saying that I am FROM here just feels like I'm lying. Because I am. I have very specific criteria for lying and this does not qualify.

He found this stored in his closet. I don't know what I"m going to do when the baby comes and
I need this pillow for its intended use. No one has ever loved a Boppy more.

The other day I was straightening up the nursery from Hurricane Oskar when I heard him playing in the living room. He kept saying "Oskar's _____!" Accompanying his exclamation was a strange sound I couldn't identify from a room away. I could not figure out what he was saying but he said it about 15 times and was pretty darn excited so I thought I should maybe check on him. Yea, he was saying, "Oskar's scissors! Oskar's scissors!" and opening and shutting them over and over again. Good work Dorisa: searching in vain for the the line between helicopter parenting and straight up neglect since 2012.

I have decided that my car needs to differentiate between the low tire pressure warning and a no tire pressure warning. That would have been helpful. I'm thankful that the weather was good, I was feeling okay and Oskar was being medium cooperative last Sunday. And if all that failed, there were people who are nice and offered me a ride home from church. Other upsides include that the shop is only a couple blocks away from the church and that neither Dan nor I need to drive to get to work. Even daycare is within walking distance (for Dan). If you are confused as to why we don't just take the other car, that means that you are under the impression that we have two cars. Your impression is incorrect. The beauty of small towns also includes that after dropping the car off on Sunday, our tire was fixed by 8:30 Monday morning and cost only $14. Wow.

A face he made for Grandma after she had a long day.

In Utero Nelson is still nameless and I think she's mad about it. I hear that some mothers delight in the fluttering movements they feel in their stomachs when their baby kicks, punches and hiccups. For me, the fluttering ended at about 18 weeks and it has been a full on blitzkrieg of appendages since then. The following is a video of what my stomach does for about two hours every day. I thought it was only one hour, but I've been keeping track and even two might be an understatement (not two hours in a row). They tell you to make sure that your baby moves 10 times in 2 hours. My doctor asks me if I'm counting kicks. I simply say no and tell her everything is fine and then ask if  they are absolutely sure that excessive movement is not a sign of distress. Do you know what feels great? When something tries punching through your belly button from the inside. What a magical time. Yes, this is a video of my bare stomach. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't watch it. If you think this is gross- HA. You should see/hear about all the pregnancy things that actually are disgusting. You have no idea. Good luck when you or your spouse gets pregnant.

My doctor prescribed me some compression socks to help prevent my passing out when standing for long periods of time. They are moderately helpful. Have you ever watched a super pregnant woman try to put on compression socks? It is a sight.

It is common knowledge that horizontal stripes are not flattering and one should not wear them. I'm not going to lie to you. I ignore this "rule." Everybody loves a stripe. It's a fun, nice and easy way to spice up a shirt. Throw a bird on that shirt and I can't say no. What I do not understand is why 75% of pregnancy clothes are striped. I'm in no way saying that pregnant people should try to hide their bellies or pretend they are not pregnant. I'm just saying that when you feel like you are popping out of everything and everywhere the last thing you want to hear is, "you're huge!" because your size is being accentuated by the beloved horizontal stripe. Alas, we wear them anyway, because they fit and despite everything they are cute shirts. 

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I win. And yes, his head really is that big.

My pregnancy clothes will soon be up for grabs, by the way. I'm done with this crap. They are all in good condition since I spend most of my time in sweatpants and t-shirts. Pants are size 6; shorts, skirts, shirts and I think I have one dress- are all size small. Let me know if you would like them (for free) or they will go to goodwill- probably some time after Christmas. If this will be for your first pregnancy, I will tell no one about your baby/intentions until informed otherwise.

Belly after 7 months.

Belly after 8 months

If you live near me and need a gift bag for a wedding, baby shower or a particularly fun Thursday PLEASE come see if I have a bag (or 6) that would suit your needs. I have too many bags (and plenty of tissue paper).

On a completely unrelated note, if you receive a gift from us this Christmas, chances are real good that it won't be in Christmas themed wrapping. This could be fun.

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