Saturday, June 29, 2019

Uvulas, Dragons and Punching

My apologies for how scattered this post is. I have been busy. Dan has been busy. We have all been busy.

Ahhhh, friends.

A while back I saw Oskar’s silver dollar sitting out after I had told him to put it somewhere safe. I noticed it was tarnishing and I wanted to shine it up so I took it so he wouldn’t lose it. If anyone knows where it is, please let me know. It’s been three months. Remember when I was organized? I don't.

In an abundance of caution a couple weeks ago I took Elena to the doctor to check on a weird cough she had and we made a startling discovery. She has a bifid uvula! Super creepy! Apparently it happens sometimes and rarely causes issues so we’re not worried. But it is so weird looking. I wasn't able to get a great picture, but it looks like a whale tail. Crazy. I'm choosing to believe this is why she is so loud.

For so many reasons, I thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Chicago in May.
Part of the reason I have been so busy is that I have been studying to try and complete the ARE before the end of the summer. This has been a burden on us all since I usually try to get to the office by 6-6:30 to study for this crap. This puts Dan all alone for morning duty with the kids and pretty much puts me in bed by 9:00. Apparently it is working though and I’m proud to report that since June 8th I have passed three of the exams. For those of you who don’t know, the ARE is a series of six tests I need to complete to become an architect. The first two I took were the longest and even though I was fairly confident going in, they were difficult and afterward I was exhausted. The one I took today was MUCH easier. That was a relief. Plus the computer I was assigned wouldn’t work so I got to be in a room all by myself! It was great. I might see if I can request that room again. Three more tests and 41 hours of experience in construction and evaluation to go until I can finally call myself an architect. Huzzah!

Apparently the haircut came with an attitude. Yes she has the longest legs in the land.
Elena is trying to hurt our feelings when we make her mad. She doesn’t quite understand it yet though because her yelling, “I’m not your mom anymore!” just doesn’t cut me like I think she wants it to. Another classic: "Ugh! You're making me evil!!!" That's right, discipline is making my daughter evil. When she takes over the world I want you all to know that we tried. We really tried. She recently attended a gymnastic camp. We are trying to channel her strength into something positive.

Many of you saw that Oskar recently had his dance recital. He did great, but is unsure if he wants to continue. He doesn't like being told what to do. He was the only boy on the stage and their choreography was pretty stinking cute and they got a few awes and giggles. Afterward I went up to him and said "Did you know you stole the show?" (Maybe extreme, but he did for me.) He responded, "I did NOT know that!" So cute. He just finished a golf camp as well and did really well in that- or at least he enjoyed it and that is enough right now.

Oskar’s heart is so big. A while back Elena got hurt and it made Oskar a little upset and he said, “I don’t like to see her get hurt because I just love her so much.” A few days later he was hysterically sobbing while watching Pokemon. Sophocles was supposed to be moving and had to say goodbye to all his friends. Due to the nature of Dan’s job, we’ve been preparing the kids for an eventual move since we moved here just so it’s not a surprise when the time comes. So I’m sitting here thinking, oh gosh he really is struggling with this- moving is NOT going to go well. So I asked him what was going on. HE WAS SOBBING WITH JOY. Apparently Sophocles didn’t have to move after all. Overall I think they are doing okay with the concept though because they were pretending to move the other day (because I’ve been watching a lot of House Hunters) and Oskar shouted, “I’m excited to meet new friends!”

Oskar has another, darker side though: "She made me so angry that I HAD to punch her." No buddy, no you did not.

Is she sleeping? Did she fall out of a plane? Who knows?
“Mommy! Birdie in the garage.”
“What? There’s a bird in the garage? Just let it be- it’ll leave when it’s ready.”
“Birdie fell and is sleeping.”
“That birdie isn’t sleeping.”
“Birdie is dead?”
“Ellie what happened? Where did it come from?”
Points at the lilac bush.
“I just looked at it and it fell and it’s dead now?”
“Yea, sweetie, it’s okay. Sometimes birdies die. Can you say bye-bye birdie?”
“Bye-bye birdie”
“Good job sweetie.”
I’m not entirely sure what happened here, but until it happens again, I’m going to tell myself that it was just bad timing.

We are in a mac & cheese conundrum. After writing that sentence I’m a little disappointed that this is a thing. Oskar rediscovered he doesn’t like the taste of actual cheese, so he often doesn’t like real mac & cheese and Elena is a cheese junkie and decided she doesn’t like boxed mac & cheese. It’s been fun. I know there are people with much bigger problems, but this is just stupid.

There are many things people don’t understand about simultaneously being a pastor’s wife and Oskar’s mom. Like the absolute terror I experience every time a question is asked during a children’s sermon. I don’t recall being mortified yet, but there is always that risk. If nothing else, he is usually good for a laugh. “Does anyone know what hallelujah means?” “Um, like, yay.”

Do you remember when the witch in the Wizard of Oz melts from the water? Remember the whiny, screechy voice? Now you know what my daughter sounds like when the sun is in her eyes. After some quick research I see that that actress had a 2-3 year old while she was filming the movie. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

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