Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dorisa Deflates a Mattress, May as Well Have Punched Elmo in the Face

Holy moly have we done a lot lately.

A family picture!
I am incredibly thankful to nice people in the congregation- because of them I am now gainfully employed. I had a play-date a couple weeks ago and mentioned that I would like to have a job and lo and behold, her husband is an appraiser and needed an assistant. I started last Friday and went to a couple houses with him and this week I've been doing training regarding filling out the reports- which will be my main duty. I think it is going well so far and I’m enjoying the work. There is still a lot I have to learn, but every report gets easier, so that’s a good sign. He mostly works from home, so right now I’m working there (about a mile away) but eventually I should be able to do most of my work from home. It will not be a full time job, but he is offering very fair pay and I think that it is a good fit for my life right now.

Obligatory first day of daycare picture. And then he charged at me.
Oskar started daycare yesterday. It was a lot harder for me than I thought it would be. Once I arrived at work I got over it pretty quick, but it was a tough morning. The woman who is watching him seems incredibly nice and was super kind when I dropped him off while trying not to cry (result: unsuccessful). Oskar got in there right away and was playing with the other kids. There is one little boy there who is a month older and goes to our church, so that is pretty cool. Oskar did pretty well. He got sad a couple times, but it passed. Lunch didn’t go great, but that’s okay, he will in no way starve any time soon. We skipped today but he will go back tomorrow. I thought it might be nice to ease him in to the situation instead of a sudden daycare attack. The only downside is that I think I’m allergic to something in her house. Oskar doesn’t seem to be affected. We’ll see if it continues.

We were graced with the presence of good friends a couple weekends ago. We got ranched (my new term for eating Pizza Ranch), explored the Falls, went on a couple walks and witnessed the beginning of the Hot Harley Nights Parade. That last one was accidental. We just saw the beginning as we walked back to the Falls after dinner, but it started with 15-20 Harleys riding down one of the main downtown streets with giant American flags on the back of each one. No idea where it went from there. People had spots staked out for a couple hours before it even started though so apparently it’s a pretty big deal. It was a really fun weekend. It’s nice to have friends visit. This is where the mattress bit comes in. I was putting away our Aerobed after our guests left and Oskar saw me lay on it to get the air out and just started wailing. It was probably the worst day of his life.

Before plants...
Dan’s parents came last week to help us do some landscaping. We went to the awesome garden/wine store and bought a lot of plants and came back and went to work. I can’t remember if I mentioned this before or not, but there is a nursery in town that has an amazing selection of plants, a super interesting layout, kitties walking around like they own the place AND they sell wine. Pretty sure they win. Anyways, the flowers have helped, but we still have lots of outdoor work to do. hopefully we can get some rock out there soon- as classy as the fabric looks, I think we can do better. A couple of the tall purple plants are having trouble standing up so I need to help them out a bit until they sober up and figure out what is going on. We also got some other things done last week, like the wood panelectomy, some superficial electrical updates AND we got some of our painted shut windows to open. This all happened in an incredibly exhausting 2 days. 

After plants!
That's all for now, I guess. Here is another picture of Oskar to send you on your way:

We got this super fuzzy blanket from our Realtor and Oskar can not get enough of it.
He often enjoys reading on his own as well.

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