Thursday, August 14, 2014

Oskar and Dorisa go to the Cabin

Wow. Three weeks since my last post. I apologize for neglecting my friends.

As you can tell from the lack of posts, we have been keeping pretty busy around here. We bought some rocks! It actually was very exciting- they were landscaping rocks for around our flowers in the front yard. We have most of them in place now and I think we are going to edge them with old railroad ties. Once it is all finished I will post a picture. Our flowers aren't doing great. We went and talked to the people at the garden center about them and we think they got to wet when it rained a bunch over the last week. We were told to deadhead them and let them dry out. This is tricky because it is raining again today. By the way, I didn't know about this deadheading business. There is a large sticky note in my brain to avoid getting any more plants that need to be deadheaded.

The bedroom has been painted for a while now and i am FINALLY finishing up painting the windows today. Between the humidity and the bumps on the walls, the tape isn't holding on too well, so I will need to do a bit of touching up but at least it's getting closer to done. I was wondering why whoever painted our windows before us did such a crappy job. Now I know. It is because painting the windows sucks. So so much. A work light would help I'm sure, but it is just ridiculous how much time it takes to do what looks to be so little. Plus I'm pretty convinced we will need to find some money and get new windows someday, so it's hard to put in a lot of effort on it.

'New windows? Aren't you getting a little crazy with the home improvement?' You ask. Well, here is the story of our windows. They are original to the house (1956) and they are actually quite cool. They each have a number plaque on them and they have corresponding winter windows and screens that you can snap in. It's a neat little system. The trouble is that a fair number of them don't open. At all. All the neat in the world hardly makes up for a lack of function when concerning windows. The previous owners said that the house stayed plenty warm in the winter, but I'm thinking that the windows probably aren't the most efficient things either. And yes, I am crazy about the home improvement. Have we met?

Bald Eagle friends!
My job is going well, Dan's job is going well AND we had ANOTHER friend come and visit us a couple weeks ago! In 2 months in South Dakota we have reached the number of friends who visited while we were in Alaska! It is fun when people visit.

I promise he doesn't wear this shirt every day. We apparently
just happen to take pictures of him every time he has it on.
Last Wednesday, Oskar and I drove 312 miles to the cabin. Dan stayed home to go to work and do chores. It is supposed to be a 5 hour drive on highways. It took us a bit longer but we never stopped and my little Chomper was a perfect little baby the entire way. And yes, there was a bit of a pee explosion in Oskar's car seat that required some attention when we got there. Oskar had a great time playing on the beach and in the water. He also got to fish with grandpa and drive grandpa's boat, which apparently was exhausting because he fell asleep on the boat and slept for about 2.5 hours. It was great. The trip back didn't go quite as smoothly as the trip up. Off and on torrential down pours mixed with stop and go traffic pretty much from Pequot Lakes to St. Cloud. We got out in Spicer to eat and stretch but Oskar was still a little whiny toward the end. In his defense, so was I. He does a hilarious thing now where if you look back at him in his car seat he makes faces at you and does a funny little giggle. We also played this fascinating game of 'Hi' for about 10 minutes.

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