Thursday, February 26, 2015

Oskar Hits a Phone

Oskar is a boy. That's all you can really say about this picture.
You're about to watch a pretty impressive video in which Oskar gives the camera a hi-five, but before we get to that I'd like to offer up some tips for the DIYer:
-Generally, one knows to wear scrubby clothes when painting, but try not to get in the habit of wiping your hands on your paints when there is paint on them because one time you will be wearing jeans and you'll get done with the MINISCULE project you were working on and there WILL be paint on your jeans. Not that this happened to me...
-I have no doubt that you have the most amazing dog/cat/hamster/insert pet type here but for the love of Pete please wash your walls (and ceilings) before painting them. It is not necessary to preserve their fur in a coat of paint on your walls.
-Get the high end paint rollers. I recommend Purdy. I do NOT recommend Shur-line. There is a definite difference in lint remnants.
-Any amount of spray paint is too much to spray indoors in the middle of winter. You might think, "Oh this is just a tiny project, the fumes won't be too bad." STOP. Do not do it. Either get other paint or postpone your project.
-Always, always, always do 2 coats if you are looking for a good, even finish when painting walls. For every wall I've painted I have paused and wondered if I really need to do 2 coats and each time I am so glad that I did. Even the most careful and obsessive painter can not guarantee an absolutely even coat of paint.

And now, what we've all been waiting for:

He was growling and I wanted a video of that because it sounded like Simba on The Lion King.
He put his hand up to block the bright light from my phone but then took it to a whole new level.

My lack of posting indicates that we have been busy, and we have. We have been mostly healthy, but life keeps happening. Oskar has grown an inch and a half since his 2 year appointment and is alternating between eating everything and eating nothing. Very fun.

I have been busy fixing up our laundry/storage room. New drain, newly painted floor, some concrete repair, less dust, new drainage tube for the furnace- overall it looks a lot better and I was able to put some shelves in there for storage. Now I just need to put up a couple walls, seal the foundation walls, and add a door and it'll be good to go. If you are interested in helping with this, feel free.

The terrifying, disgusting pit of despair in our laundry room.
Post CLR and significant scrubbing. 
My beautiful laundry room! Still annoying that the machines aren't be each other,
but worlds better than before. Success!
Oskar has fallen in love with puppies. It is quite annoying because every time we look at our phones or computers Oskar comes running, saying "Puppy?!?!?" and looking to see puppy pictures and videos. This is especially inconvenient since both Dan and I occasionally work from home. Luckily, my phone doesn't have access to any puppy pictures or videos. Oskar and I watch orchestral performances. He loves them and I find them more interesting than puppy videos.

Oskar's room is FINALLY almost done. I just need to install his headboard (which turned out great if I do say so myself, thanks to the guy who makes all our furniture, but more about that in another post) and Oskar and I have a very fun art project to do together which will either be awesome or end disastrously. We'll see.

Oskar's headboard before. I think I got it for $5 or $15. I can't remember.
The finished product perched oh so beautifully on our asbestos tiles.
I hope you are all well! And Jan, Oskar says you need to stay healthy. You have not been doing a good job at this and it makes him sad.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Dorisa... This just made my day... Love you and hugs... I LOVE your blogs!!!!
