Friday, August 14, 2015

Oskar, the Lecturing Professor

The other day, our little family was sitting down for dinner. Oskar has become quite the conversationalist and as always, he loves to sing. I don't mind at all if he sings during dinner. It's quite sweet- generally. He can get really REALLY loud. I have a problem with one of my ears. I don't really know how to describe it, but there's a weird inner vibration that at a certain pitch and volume hurts really bad. Oskar was really excited and found his loud singing absolutely hilarious. Dan and I both tried calmly and quietly to explain and ask him to please be quiet because being so loud makes mommy's ear hurt. He proceeded to give both of us a 2 minute lecture on how to cover our ears when things are loud complete with demonstration. Dan and I were laughing so hard and he just kept talking at us, like why are you guys laughing? This is what you need to do! He didn't really get quieter, and he refused to understand that that mommy needed her hands for eating and couldn't cover her ears. So we listened to the smallest and loudest opera there has ever been.

This is his "my way of organizing is better than mommy's way" face.

He is quite the problem solver though. He had a sucker the other day. He knows that suckers are sticky and he didn't feel like holding it all the time. Our coffee table is made from reclaimed wood and because of that it has tiny holes in it from old nails and the fact that it is actual wood. Witness my little guy's problem solving skills:

Oskar continues to fear his tiny toilet so potty training has remained elusive. We'll keep trying. This must be done before November.

In Untero Nelson can best be described as combative. I was sitting earlier this evening with a bowl of grapes on my stomach, you know, like a good pregnant woman, and she kicked the bowl off of me. I'm not making this up and I am not exaggerating. There it was- gone. She can also be described as excessively stubborn. I thought that with all the moving around she does our 24 week ultrasound would go better. It absolutely did not. The doctor is pretty sure she doesn't have a cleft lip, but they can't say for sure. They were able to confirm it's a girl, so that was nice. I was talking to the tech and she said when I walked in she thought I was going to be her easiest patient all day. "You are tall and thin- that baby has all the room in the world to spread out and it's not hard to get images on women who are in shape." That is what she said. Little did she know that this baby enjoys snuggling face first into both the placenta and my hip. Baby moved everything but her head during that ultrasound. Little punk. And based on the tightness and pain I experience I'd be willing to bet that her little head is still down there. 

In general, I just think that she really doesn't like being in there. I feel like she is going to break out of my stomach like something you'd see on The X-Files (current binge-watching project). I know people understand that I'm pregnant, but I feel like if they see this in real life it will freak them out. Observe the reason why I'm awake while most are sleeping.

Still think I'm lying about her kicking a bowl off my stomach?

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